The right jewelry care & storage
It's always a shame when your favorite jewelry doesn't look as beautiful as it used to. That's why we've put together a few tips and tricks for you below so that you can enjoy your treasures for a long time.
To avoid scratches on the surface of your jewelry, we recommend storing your jewelry in a jewelry box with a soft base. This will keep your jewelry well sorted and scratch-proof.
Gold jewelry: In contrast to silver jewelry, gold jewelry is relatively insensitive. It does not tarnish so quickly and retains its shine for a long time. However, if you still want to give your jewelry a new shine from time to time, we recommend using inexpensive jewelry care products such as a gold cleaning bath and polishing cloth. These can be bought cheaply on the internet or in a specialist jewelry store.
Silver jewelry: Our silver jewelry is coated with a layer of rhodium to protect the silver underneath from natural oxidation. Nevertheless, it can be cleaned. The cleaning process is the same as for gold jewelry. Here too, we recommend using inexpensive jewelry care products such as a silver cleaning bath and polishing cloth. These can be bought cheaply on the Internet or in a specialist jewelry store.
Many everyday influences can cause your jewelry to oxidize more quickly, making it look dull and colourless. We therefore recommend that you avoid direct contact of your jewelry with the following products:
1.) Creams and lotions, powder, hairspray & deodorants, alcohol-based cosmetics & perfume, nail polish, sunscreen and any cleaning products.
2.) Some everyday activities can also affect your beloved jewelry. We therefore recommend that you take your jewelry off during the following activities so that it stays shiny and can continue to shine for a long time: Going to the sauna, swimming pool, going to the beach or sea, sunbathing, swimming, sports and cleaning.