IDENTIM" [ai-den-tim].
Based on the word "identification", IDENTIM symbolizes the uniqueness of each person's identity.
Everyone identifies with other things from everyday life. Be it jewelry, clothes or even beautiful vehicles. 
As a team at IDENTIM, we strive to ensure that our jewelry goes far beyond being a mere accessory. It should not only fit the wearer perfectly, but also reflect and underline their personality.
We are a family-run team from Schwäbisch Gmünd and now seven of us. Each of us brings his own style & charm, but one thing we all have in common:
We love what we do and it shows in every detail of our work.
Together we always go full throttle! 

 Our guiding principle

"Quality without compromise"
For us, quality comes first and we do not compromise on that. We do everything we can to offer products of the highest quality. But beyond all that, customer satisfaction is the be-all and end-all for us. It is the yardstick by which we measure our success and the drive that keeps us constantly moving forward. Your satisfaction is our daily incentive.